Learning to Slow Down

It’s been a whirlwind of the last few weeks. Hell, it’s been a whirlwind of the last few months! This entire year has had things happen that I never in a million years would think would happen in my life. But, here I am. Alive and okay and surviving. Doing whatever it takes to raise my son in a world filled with respect, kindness and most importantly, love. The last 6 years of my life were devoted, sometimes in a toxic way, to building my business. I put my company before my own needs, before my relationships, before my health. And now that I have a son, that all changed.

When I gave birth in October, I thought that my life would pretty much stay right on track. Continue to grow and put endless amounts of energy and time into our business, live at my parents property, and just add a baby to the mixture. Boy, was I completely wrong!

The last few months during COVID19 have taught me something insanely important: It isn’t about what you do that defines your success, but how you do it. I was so busy devoting time and energy to growing a business because I thought success was defined by my wealth and how much I had. I missed important moments in my life with important people, because I was so blind by what I thought success was.

We recently sold our brand, which is CRAZY to type out. Never would I have thought that I would be able to do something like that. I guess I have a lot of doubt in myself. Working on that! But yes! We sold our brand. It happened almost overnight and it wasn’t even something I thought that we would be able to do. But we did it! And it came truly at the right time. In a moment where I was learning to slow down, apply more to MYSELF so that I can be the healthiest and happiest version of me for my family, this beautiful offered appeared at my metaphorical front door knocking. It was time. It was time to say farewell to practically everything (but not really) that I had worked on for the last 6 years. Everything that I built my career around. Everything that Matt and I had done together for income since we got married. It was time to close this book, and find what was next.

I don’t really know what is next. I really don’t. But I am excited to figure it out. I am excited to learn to slow down. I am eager to find that person I buried so deeply by making work my life. I know that she is in there. In the art of slowing down, I promise to do what it takes to find her. I know that it’s just the beginning. It’s not going to come easy. But I also am excited to do the work. I am excited to spend more time with my son. Being there during every little step that I can. I feel insanely blessed to get to do that! I don’t take one moment of this for granted.

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