Styling Our Entryway

Matt recently built an entryway bench with matching peg shelf for a custom client. It looks so cute and I was so proud of him. The pieces turned out beautifully, and I was excited to snap some styled photographs of the pieces in hopes he can promote and sell more pieces. He has been working on random custom projects here and there. This duo looked so perfect in our apartment, I asked Matt to put a copy cat order on his to do list. I need this to be a permanent set up in my place.

I think what I love the most is how similar of a set up it resembles Paper and Stitch‘s style. I have admired her blog for a while. Shameless, I would love for an exact replica of her home haha! Brittni is so good at what she does. We’ve never met, but I admire so much of what she does. Anyways, back to styling these pieces.

I wrote a little post on my instagram last night about how I’ve been feeling when it comes to jumping back into styling, and figuring out what it is I want to do. Have you ever felt like an imposter? Like, what you LIKE to do is just something that you’re actually not good at doing? HI THAT IS MY ENTIRE LIFE! Even when we were in business, I was SUPER self conscience of my work. I second guessed myself often, and always want to be better. I think that has a lot to do with how I was raised – which is a different story for a different day. But, yeah, perfectionism and wanting to be the BEST and be in control… I apply those things in my life, but basically have lost the fun and passion in what I like to do because of it. The fear of not being perfect, the fear of looking stupid, the fear of something being bad or just… not good… It’s been a constant, like I said. So, this little styling project was making me feel nervous as first, while also really made me think of why I like doing what I do, which is creating. Whether that is creating a style board, actually styling or staging something, taking photographs and video, editing my ‘final product’ or shots from my project… It’s all of those things that are fun and make me happy. So, I put my fears and imposter syndrome to the side – especially after a good conversation with one of my good friends encouraging me – and I styled my entryway. It wasn’t a big project, and it didn’t take all day… But it was a fun little project to work on and style while Max was napping.

I am so proud of how my video turned out. It was fun to edit, and I am hoping to do more of these in the future. Also, if you’re interested in buying a piece from Matt, you can reach out to him here.

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