Odele: Branding Photography

Another recent creative project I worked on was for the brand Odele. I had seen this bran din Target, tried their products myself, and had seem a few of my favorite instagram friends ALSO share their love for the brand. So, I reached out and crossed my fingers that they would be interested in working together. To my HAPPY surprise, the brand responded and they were excited to work with me. I came up with a few quick concepts of the direction I wanted to take, hit up the craft store, as well as the thrift store, and made my at home photography set.

Below are the images I styled,, creative directed and photographed. I am SO proud of these! I didn’t know how they would turn out as my final edits, but when everything started to come together it really WORKED! I played with the natural light on my back patio, pinned a thrifted sheet to the wall, and added in some flowers, painted vases and texture. I played with prism lights and iridescent wrap, which gave me some really fun colors and filters on my photos. It was awesome and I loved how they turned out. What do you think?

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Photo Entry: March 13, 2021